A spring garden blessing can give your garden a boost during the warmer months. This is best done before or upon arrival of Spring. This is giving thanks to the Mother Goddess and Sun God, and asking for the help of the Green Man and the faeries. Together, they will make your garden bloom and…

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The Mother Goddess

The Mother Goddess is a central figure in Wicca. She is the creator of the Earth and the Universe and the giver of life. The Mother Goddess is the embodiment of the divine feminine.  She is Mother Nature, the Earth. She is fertility and the turning of the seasons. She is the cycle of birth, life,…

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Wiccans are lovers of nature, animals, and music. If you’re one of the witches who haven’t tried listening to pagan music, you should rush to add pagan music to your playlist so you can listen to on your car or your phone. Why? Because you should live and breathe Wicca, that’s why! Pagan music is…

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