Do you know why the moon is so stunning, in every phase?
Each phase of the moon represents the Mother Goddess at a specific stage of her journey, imparting lessons that you can incorporate into your life.
This is why every lunar phase carries unique energy that you can harness in your spells and rituals.
Allow this Moon Phase Guide to assist you in determining which spells to cast and rituals to perform based on the moon’s current phase.

New Moon
The New Moon symbolizes the Mother Goddess in her infant stage, marking a time for fresh beginnings, renewal, growth, optimism, starting anew, and faith.
Perform your magick in the first two or three days when the new crescent is visible. This is an excellent time for magick related to a new diet, a new way of life, changing to a different study, commencing a new job, relocating, or initiating a new relationship.
Waxing Moon
The Waxing Moon indicates that the Mother Goddess is in her maiden stage, making it an ideal time for building accomplishments, creativity, strength, growth, learning, and positive transformations.
As the Moon brightens, the energies of growth enhance. The maiden is filled with vitality and eager to explore the world!
The day or two just prior to the calendar date of the Full Moon are optimal times for doing magick aimed at attracting new experiences like a fresh appearance, a new role, a relationship, an achievement, a skill, or advanced knowledge.

Pentacle of The Moon Necklace from The Moonlight Shop
Full Moon
The Full Moon signifies a time of abundance, harvest, manifestation of desires, sensuality, achievements, and protection. The Goddess is at her Mother stage, and her energy is at its zenith.
This is the prime moment for consecrating tools, charging jewelry, and wishes such as winning legal cases, contests, securing jobs, marriage, good health, financial success, and healing. It is also the period for spells focused on spirituality, psychic development, dreams, and divination.

Waning Moon
The Waning Moon illustrates the Mother Goddess in her Crone stage, making it an excellent time for letting go, clearing, cleansing, releasing, shedding outdated patterns, and undoing bindings. This is a time for personal introspection.
The days just before the Dark of the Moon are ideal for doing magick to remove anything unwanted from your life, such as bad habits, stress, negativity, unsatisfactory relationships, unfulfilling jobs, an unhealthy diet, or a troubled mind.
The moon’s energy is dwindling, just as that of the Goddess. However, this comes with profound wisdom. You can learn and gain insights during this time.

Wheel Of The Year Pendant From The Moonlight Shop
Dark Moon
The Dark Moon represents the time when the moon is enveloped in complete darkness. It is a period for rest, relaxation, peace, profound wisdom, effective banishing, and divination.
This is a moment to remove negative energies from our lives that we are committed to eliminating. Any form of magick performed during this time will be exceptionally potent. Utilize it for serious banishments, such as addressing physical and mental illnesses.
At this time, we acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers and trust that the knowledge we need will unfold with time—and from this, we should find tranquility.
What is the difference between a new moon and a dark moon (sorry if that’s a stupid question)? I thought a new moon is when the moon isn’t visible at night, but it says that the dark moon is when the moon is shrouded in darkness. I assume there’s a difference and would like to know. 🙂
I can not find anything on what part the Blood Moon if there is a meaning to Wicca’s? Does it have any part part in Wicca?