For Wiccans, the moon is of great significance as the nearest celestial body to our planet. We tap into the Moon’s energy for our magick and synchronize our rituals with her cycles. Her effects are strongest during the Full Moon and New Moon. In ancient cultures, witnessing the moon for the first time was a jubilant occasion, representing triumph over darkness and the arrival of fullness.
New Moon
The New Moon manifests initially as a delicate crescent when her illumination becomes visible. This phase embodies new beginnings. The energy present at this moment encourages fresh starts across various facets of life, including relationships, career, and thought processes. This time is abundant with potential and brimming with innovative ideas. It represents rejuvenation and renewal.
New Moon Ritual
Rituals related to the New Moon can commence on the day of the new moon and continue for three days following it. Spells cast during this period focus on new starts, love, health, and possibilities for career growth.
This ritual serves as a heartfelt greeting for the moon’s return. It is best performed outdoors, beneath the New Moon’s glow, facing west. You may choose to do this solo or with companions; both approaches are fruitful.

You will need:
- A smudge stick
- A Moon candle (unscented white pillar candle)
- Blessing oil
- A hand mirror
- A pen
- 3 sheets of paper
- Next, face the east, where the sun rises. Hold the mirror so that you can see the new moon behind you. Say:
“Bestow upon us your wisdom, your guidance,
and protection for the month ahead.
You accompany me at each moment,
watching and guiding me,
and I am thankful.”
9. Place the mirror back on the altar beside the moon candle.
10. Now is a time for reflection and gratitude. On the first sheet of paper, write down all that you cherish. Take a moment to review your list and thank the Goddess for her gifts. Burn this paper using the flame from the white candle.
Pentacle of the Moon from The Moonlight Shop
11. On the second sheet, record the difficulties you’ve faced recently, including errors and setbacks that have impacted you and others. Forgive yourself and release any lingering negative emotions. Ask the Goddess for help in addressing these challenges and evolving in those areas. Burn the paper.
12. Utilize the third sheet to outline your dreams and aspirations. List your goals, hopes, and ambitions. Seek the Goddess’s assistance in manifesting all that you have written. Keep this list until the next New Moon.
13. Warm the Blessing Oil briefly over the candle flame, then anoint your forehead, requesting the Moon’s blessing.
14. When you feel prepared, extinguish the candle. Then close the circle to finish the ritual.

Have you arranged a ritual for the upcoming New Moon?
We welcome you to share your insights in the comments!
“Welcome back, Moon!
We’re delighted to see you again.
A new cycle has started,
and another month has passed,
transforming our paths.”
- Next, face the east, where the sun rises. Hold the mirror so that you can see the new moon behind you. Say:
- Arrange your altar with silver and white items.
- Start by smudging the area to purify it.
- Create a safe perimeter.
- Take your Moon Candle, wrap it in dark fabric, and position it on your altar.
- Look to the sky to locate the New Moon.
- Once you see it, unwrap the candle and raise it, proclaiming:
- Next, face the east, where the sun rises. Hold the mirror so that you can see the new moon behind you. Say:
- Next, face the east, where the sun rises. Hold the mirror so that you can see the new moon behind you. Say:
- Arrange your altar with silver and white items.
- Start by smudging the area to purify it.
- Create a safe perimeter.
- Take your Moon Candle, wrap it in dark fabric, and position it on your altar.
- Look to the sky to locate the New Moon.
- Once you see it, unwrap the candle and raise it, proclaiming:
- Next, face the east, where the sun rises. Hold the mirror so that you can see the new moon behind you. Say:
“Bestow upon us your wisdom, your guidance,
and protection for the month ahead.
You accompany me at each moment,
watching and guiding me,
and I am thankful.”
9. Place the mirror back on the altar beside the moon candle.
10. Now is a time for reflection and gratitude. On the first sheet of paper, write down all that you cherish. Take a moment to review your list and thank the Goddess for her gifts. Burn this paper using the flame from the white candle.
Pentacle of the Moon from The Moonlight Shop
11. On the second sheet, record the difficulties you’ve faced recently, including errors and setbacks that have impacted you and others. Forgive yourself and release any lingering negative emotions. Ask the Goddess for help in addressing these challenges and evolving in those areas. Burn the paper.
12. Utilize the third sheet to outline your dreams and aspirations. List your goals, hopes, and ambitions. Seek the Goddess’s assistance in manifesting all that you have written. Keep this list until the next New Moon.
13. Warm the Blessing Oil briefly over the candle flame, then anoint your forehead, requesting the Moon’s blessing.
14. When you feel prepared, extinguish the candle. Then close the circle to finish the ritual.

Have you arranged a ritual for the upcoming New Moon?
We welcome you to share your insights in the comments!
“Welcome back, Moon!
We’re delighted to see you again.
A new cycle has started,
and another month has passed,
transforming our paths.”
“Bestow upon us your wisdom, your guidance,
and protection for the month ahead.
You accompany me at each moment,
watching and guiding me,
and I am thankful.”
9. Place the mirror back on the altar beside the moon candle.
10. Now is a time for reflection and gratitude. On the first sheet of paper, write down all that you cherish. Take a moment to review your list and thank the Goddess for her gifts. Burn this paper using the flame from the white candle.

Pentacle of the Moon from The Moonlight Shop
11. On the second sheet, record the difficulties you’ve faced recently, including errors and setbacks that have impacted you and others. Forgive yourself and release any lingering negative emotions. Ask the Goddess for help in addressing these challenges and evolving in those areas. Burn the paper.
12. Utilize the third sheet to outline your dreams and aspirations. List your goals, hopes, and ambitions. Seek the Goddess’s assistance in manifesting all that you have written. Keep this list until the next New Moon.
13. Warm the Blessing Oil briefly over the candle flame, then anoint your forehead, requesting the Moon’s blessing.
14. When you feel prepared, extinguish the candle. Then close the circle to finish the ritual.

Have you arranged a ritual for the upcoming New Moon?
We welcome you to share your insights in the comments!
“Welcome back, Moon!
We’re delighted to see you again.
A new cycle has started,
and another month has passed,
transforming our paths.”
“Bestow upon us your wisdom, your guidance,
and protection for the month ahead.
You accompany me at each moment,
watching and guiding me,
and I am thankful.”
9. Place the mirror back on the altar beside the moon candle.
10. Now is a time for reflection and gratitude. On the first sheet of paper, write down all that you cherish. Take a moment to review your list and thank the Goddess for her gifts. Burn this paper using the flame from the white candle.
Pentacle of the Moon from The Moonlight Shop
11. On the second sheet, record the difficulties you’ve faced recently, including errors and setbacks that have impacted you and others. Forgive yourself and release any lingering negative emotions. Ask the Goddess for help in addressing these challenges and evolving in those areas. Burn the paper.
12. Utilize the third sheet to outline your dreams and aspirations. List your goals, hopes, and ambitions. Seek the Goddess’s assistance in manifesting all that you have written. Keep this list until the next New Moon.
13. Warm the Blessing Oil briefly over the candle flame, then anoint your forehead, requesting the Moon’s blessing.
14. When you feel prepared, extinguish the candle. Then close the circle to finish the ritual.

Have you arranged a ritual for the upcoming New Moon?
We welcome you to share your insights in the comments!
“Welcome back, Moon!
We’re delighted to see you again.
A new cycle has started,
and another month has passed,
transforming our paths.”
“Bestow upon us your wisdom, your guidance,
and protection for the month ahead.
You accompany me at each moment,
watching and guiding me,
and I am thankful.”
9. Place the mirror back on the altar beside the moon candle.
10. Now is a time for reflection and gratitude. On the first sheet of paper, write down all that you cherish. Take a moment to review your list and thank the Goddess for her gifts. Burn this paper using the flame from the white candle.

Pentacle of the Moon from The Moonlight Shop
11. On the second sheet, record the difficulties you’ve faced recently, including errors and setbacks that have impacted you and others. Forgive yourself and release any lingering negative emotions. Ask the Goddess for help in addressing these challenges and evolving in those areas. Burn the paper.
12. Utilize the third sheet to outline your dreams and aspirations. List your goals, hopes, and ambitions. Seek the Goddess’s assistance in manifesting all that you have written. Keep this list until the next New Moon.
13. Warm the Blessing Oil briefly over the candle flame, then anoint your forehead, requesting the Moon’s blessing.
14. When you feel prepared, extinguish the candle. Then close the circle to finish the ritual.

Have you arranged a ritual for the upcoming New Moon?
We welcome you to share your insights in the comments!