One of the significant challenges for Wiccans in the 21st century is maintaining focus.
Our attention span has shrunk from several minutes to merely 13 seconds (as of this moment).
Isn’t that astonishing?
This is due to the fact that, on average, we face distractions every 13 seconds. Be it a Facebook notification, an adorable kitten on Instagram, an instant message, or a phone call.
Consider how life was just 25 years ago…
…at that time, cell phones were scarce, and computers were primarily used for basic office tasks.
Not anymore…. Nowadays, nearly everything is linked to the internet, ensuring that we never miss a status update or an “urgent” email.
However, there is a way to escape this chaos. It will take training your mind to concentrate for more than just a few seconds and will necessitate that you switch off your phone, computer, tablet, tamagotchi (remember those 😉 and anything else that beeps, chimes, or rattles.
For this spell, you will require:
- A candle (orange is ideal since it symbolizes focus and energy, but any color works)
- A quiet place and time to sit.
Step #01: Before lighting the candle, take a few minutes to infuse it with your intention. Explain to the universe why you are performing this spell and what outcome you desire.
For instance, you might aim to curb procrastination or simply enhance your ability to concentrate.
Step #02: Ignite the candle. Visualize how the flame and warmth carry your intention, dispersing it into the air, the sky, and the universe. Create a vivid image in your mind. This should also take a couple of minutes.
Step #03: Recite the following:
“Gods and Goddesses of the world, the universe and all that exists, assist me in reclaiming my mind and energy, and restore my ability to focus. So Mote It Be!”
(you can modify these words to align with your practice and deities)
Step #04: For the next 28 days, do everything possible to help yourself “re-learn” how to concentrate. This means silencing or turning off all distractions. Not forever, just during times of necessary focus.
Personally, I prefer to designate specific times each day to check emails, social media, and so on. I only look at them during those scheduled times. Trust me, there’s nothing you’ll miss.
The only interruption I permit when I am working or with family is if my phone rings (on my phone, I can configure it so that only select people can call while it is set to “do not disturb mode”).
I have a fascination with symbols, and I’ve discovered that wearing a piece of jewelry that represents focus is effective for me. Items like the solar cross of essence, Brooms of Elder, and the New Beginnings pendant (learn more about them by clicking here).
Essence of Wicca Bundle from The Moonlight Shop
Give it a try, and you might find yourself pleasantly surprised at how focused and sharp you can be.
What about you? Is maintaining focus something you find challenging?
I am gonna give this a try. Thanks James. Blessed Be.
Thank you for sharing this. I’m having extreme trouble remembering to take my anti-anxiety medication everyday. So far I have forgotten 3 days in a row. I try setting reminders and mentally coaching myself to take it at a certain time. I recently picked back up with my practices. I have been researching small spells and rituals to help guide my daily life and this is the best one I have come across for a memory spell. A lot of other memory spells are more regarding past life, memory block, so on and so forth. I only need a simple “better my memory” spell and you have provided that by sharing. Thank you again.
Many Blessing to you, James.