Category: Rituals and Spells
A spring garden blessing can give your garden a boost during the warmer months. This is best done before or upon arrival of Spring. This is giving thanks to the Mother Goddess and Sun God, and asking for the help of the Green Man and the faeries. Together, they will make your garden bloom and…
4 Books To Improve Your Magick
There are times that call for new spells, whether it’s because the last spell you casted was not as powerful as you hoped, or maybe you’re in a new situation that calls for a new spell. The truth is, you can actually cast your very own spell, you only need to express your intention to…
What Your Birth Month Says About You
Your birth month says a lot about your destiny in life. Scientists and statisticians have found that the month when you were born affects everything from your career choice to your attitude to your disposition in life; it even reveals the diseases that you are prone to. January You are an independent and analytical leader….
The Moon Phases and What They Mean
The moon is beautiful, at whichever phase. You know why? Because every phase of the moon is actually the Mother Goddess in a certain stage of her life, teaching you lessons you can apply in your life. Which is why each phase of the moon brings with it an energy which you can use in…
Wiccans are lovers of nature, animals, and music. If you’re one of the witches who haven’t tried listening to pagan music, you should rush to add pagan music to your playlist so you can listen to on your car or your phone. Why? Because you should live and breathe Wicca, that’s why! Pagan music is…
Our Relationship To The Wiccan Rede
The Wiccan Rede can be summed up in eight words: “An it Harm None, do as ye will.” It is the central law of the Wiccan religion, which tells us to do what we want as long as it harms nobody. The “none” part means the self, other humans, animals, and plants. Basically all creations…
Handfasting Ceremony Tips
A handfasting ceremony is what makes an engagement for Pagans and Wiccans. The handfasting goes back to the time of the Celtics when two people declare a binding union to each other for exactly a year and a day. It was considered a trial marriage where two people test out if they can actually…
Witch, Wizard, or Warlock?
Believe it or not, there are still a lot of witches who get confused with the terms witch, wizard, and warlock. Some assign genders to them like witch is to a female what a warlock is to a male. When we were still starting out, we were confused too. If you are new to Wicca,…
Wiccan Fertility Ritual To Conceive a Child
Fertility is a very important thing. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to create life in the same way the Mother Goddess and the Horned God created all living things and the Universe. Here’s a ritual that will help increase your chances of getting pregnant. This is a three-part ritual that requires a bath and…
Putting Together Your Altar
Every Wiccan should have his or her own personal altar. An altar reflects the witch and it is a space where you cast your spells, perform your rituals, or commune with the Divine. If you check practitioners of every religion, you will notice that each has an altar that expresses their beliefs, and its also…
Cat’s Eye? Calf’s Snout? Eye of Newt?!
Am I really going to get a cat’s eye for this spell? You are not alone is asking that question. At one point, we were the person asking that question. It is very alarming, isn’t it? Especially since we love our cats and there is no better relationship than the relationship that a witch has…
Your Guide To Celebrating Mabon
This blogpost was originally posted by The Moonlight Shop here: Your Guide To Celebrating Mabon Mabon is a celebration of the second harvest and the circle of life. This marks the time when harvest is almost over and the fields are almost empty and whatever that was harvested is now stored in preparation for winter or…
A Mojo Bag And Simple Money Spell To Draw Money Into Your Life
Drawing money into your life is not as simple as performing spell work and expecting some windfall in return. Drawing money into your life is a combination of focusing your energy towards a specific goal, asking for help from the Universe, and making a conscious effort to get closer to that prosperous reality. To draw…
New Beginnings Ritual
When you want changes and to start a new beginning in your life, you must release old habits, and let go of people or ways that are no longer working for you. A new beginning can be applied in any area of your life. So before starting with this ritual, reflect on the ways and recognize the…
A Spell to Improve Your Focus and Sharpen Your Mind
One of the big struggles for Wiccans in the 21st century is focus. Our attention span has gone from several minutes to only 13 seconds (at the time of writing this). Isn’t that crazy? That’s because, in average, something distracts us every 13 seconds. A Facebook message, a cute kitten on Instagram, an instant message or…
The Beltane Festival
May is a very significant marker for many cultures. It’s time when the Earth mother opens herself up to the Fertility God. It is in the month of May when crops sprout, animals bear their offspring, and people get out of their houses after the dark and cold winter months. So people bust out of their houses and hold…
5 Clues that Christmas is Rip-off of Yule
In this post, I’ll try to dispel some of the common myths about Christmas. Much of what we are doing during Christmas, has very little to do with the birth of Jesus and everything to do with the celebration of Yule and the change of the seasons. In many Nordic countries, they still call it Yule! In…
A Ritual for Ostara
In this post we’ll look at a ritual, that greets the spring welcome… …and charge your Solstice Pendant with energy, which you can use to get “boosted” when you need it the most. The ritual is best just around Ostara, but with slight modifications you can perform at midsummer, Mabon and Yule as well. I…
The Flower Moon in May
Full moons bring with them a certain energy and inspire a flow of emotions and vibrations, unlike in other phases of the moon. Full moons have a way of washing away the negative energy to make room for positive energy. The full moon for the month of May is what you call the “Full Flower…
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