Cat’s Eye? Calf’s Snout? Eye of Newt?!


Am I truly going to obtain a cat’s eye for this spell? Many share that concern. At some point, we found ourselves questioning the same thing. It’s quite unsettling, isn’t it? Especially since we cherish our cats and the bond a witch shares with their feline companion is unmatched.

And then there’s the matter of the dragon’s claw. How might we actually acquire a dragon’s claw? So, I should befriend my dragon guardian and then request his claw? Isn’t that asking for trouble?

These inquiries are perfectly normal, particularly for beginners. Let me clarify that the cat’s eye, dragon’s claw, eye of newt, and similar terms are all ANCIENT NAMES for herbs and should not be interpreted literally! Our forebears assigned unique names to the herbs and plants, using codes to safeguard their recipes.

Witches possess a wicked sense of humor. This might explain why there’s a notion that witches consume babies! Someone likely overheard a conversation or stumbled upon an ingredient list for a brew, potion, or spell, and thus the legend began!

Here’s a list of herbs alongside their ancient names and the true names:

Adders Tongue / Adder’s Tongue Fern

Bear’s Foot / Hellbore

Bird’s Eye / Speedwell

Blood / Elder sap

Blood of a Goose / A Mulberry Tree’s Milk

Bull’s Foot / Coltsfoot

Bull’s Eyes / Marigold

Calf’s Snout / Toadflax

Cat’s Eye / Star Scabious

Cat’s Foot / Snake Root

Cat’s Paw / Ground Ivy

Crow’s Foot / Cranesbill

Donkey’s Eyes / Cowage Plant

Dragon’s Claw / Crawley Root

Dove’s Foot / Wild Geranium

Eye of Newt/ Mustard Seed

Frog’s Foot / Bulbous Buttercup

Fairy Fingers / Foxglove

Hare’s Foot / Clover

Horse Tail / Scouring Rush

Pig’s Snout / Dandelion

Witch’s Brew Mug from The Moonlight Shop

Our ancestors devised numerous coded ancient names for various herbs! These are merely a selection of the most surprising ones, with many more existing. Just when you thought ancient witches lacked a witty way to convey their thoughts. Doesn’t this make you feel proud to be a witch? 🙂

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