Dragonflies and You!

In this article, we’ll explore the Dragonfly, an incredibly potent little creature that has always reminded me of faeries.

The dragonfly has significant cultural importance across many ancient religions and traditions. From the Vikings to the Celts and Native Americans, Dragonflies have been revered.

What does the dragonfly represent?

What sets dragonflies apart is their brief lifespan. They really don’t have time to waste, so if one is near you, it’s for a VERY good reason.

Often, they come to convey something significant. If you find yourself stressed and preoccupied with the past or future, a dragonfly may visit you.

It serves as a reminder to live in the present, and perhaps points to changes you need to consider in your life.

Additionally, if you are in a negative relationship, wasting your time at a job, or carrying too much worry, they may come to suggest a transformation you can undertake.

Here are some common interpretations of the Dragonfly:

  • Change and transformation
  • Adaptability
  • Joy, lightness of being
  • Emotional awareness, encouragement to delve deeper into feelings
  • Awareness of illusions and deceits, both external and personal
  • Connection with the spirits of nature, and the realms of fairies

What does it mean when a dragonfly is around you?

A dragonfly typically communicates by being present with you. Remember, their lifespans are brief, so if they choose to be near you, it’s for a significant reason. They don’t squander their time!

If you reside in an area with no dragonflies, you might find that you start dreaming about them or suddenly notice dragonfly products everywhere.

It’s a curious phenomenon, but more common than you might expect.

It often serves as another medium for them to reach out to you.

So, what does it signify when dragonflies start following you or appear in your dreams?

A dragonfly signifies transformation, change, and being fully present.

If you begin to see them frequently, it’s likely because you are dwelling on the past or wasting your energy on concerns that aren’t worth it (especially things beyond your control).

Interpret it as a reminder to awaken. To value your life. Every single moment.

Life is remarkably brief, and you should not squander it worrying about uncontrollable circumstances. Embrace life fully and enjoy it. Adapt to changes and don’t dwell on what has already happened.

What if there are no dragonflies around?

Even if you live in an area devoid of dragonflies or they never appear around you, their essence can still be harnessed by wearing a dragonfly pendant or using related merchandise (I think a pendant is preferable as you can wear it consistently).

A dragonfly pendant may not be as prominent as a real dragonfly, but it can serve as a reminder to embrace joy and to engage in the moment (or whatever you’re dealing with that requires a dragonfly’s guidance).

A pendant can also be a helpful ally when you’re aiming to implement changes in your life. It can support new beginnings, the formation of better habits, and sticking to them.


  • Dragonflies do not waste time. If they are nearby, it is for a reason.
  • You can’t summon dragonflies, but a dragonfly pendant can provide some of the same benefits as a living dragonfly.
  • Dragonflies remind you to live fully and not waste any time. They encourage joy and making the most of every moment. This sometimes means making tough decisions and changing your lifestyle.

What has been your experience with dragonflies?

When was the last occasion you spotted one, and what do you think it meant?

Share your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

34 thoughts on “Dragonflies and You!

  1. So tell me this, what does it mean when you’ve been biten by a dragon fly? I’ve never ceased in my love for them, even after being biten (and yes it left a welt). I have a beautiful tattoo of my dragonfly.

  2. Wow, this just popped up in my news feed today and I had a visit from a dragonfly yesterday at work while I was outside for a smoke. Always knew they were majestic insects. And now I know the reason for the visit. Thank you so much for the infor.

  3. I have recently moved back to FL to help a friend fix up her house/life. I sadly realized that there were no flowers, (2 sad rose bushes and some crushed lillies) I have taken to working in the yard and bringing back the roses, protecting the lillies. We have a bad wasp problem here to, been working on that. 2 weeks ago I notice something flying to me, fluttering close… MY FIRST BUTTERFLY!! It went and landed on some flowers I put in. When I mowed I was worried about mud dobbers, (ground nest) because all these things were swarming the air..(not wearing glasses for distance), I realized they were Dragonflies!! Yesterday I mowed again and watched all the Dragonflies dance. I also spotted a half dozen different butterflies. I was sitting silent in the grass listening for faerie bells and got CHURCH BELLS!!! LOL I am very excited to bring this little patch of earth back to life, can’t wait for the gardens to go in!!!! )O(

  4. over a year a go I had a dragon fly tat put behind my ear. everyone asks about it and I always just say that it’s personal. So funny to see this article. Funnier that I’m 65 years old and i knew exactly what I wanted. I believe…..

  5. Such an interesting read. Yesterday I saw my 1st dragonfly by my pond that I have only put in this year. Dug all by myself!!! I was feeling very down n worried about how awful today would be as its the first anniversary of the death of my beautiful granddaughter Sapphire. We lost her last year to cot death…. its been a very difficult year but it taught me that living in the peasant is the best way to be happy. Yesterday however was spent in the past and the future. I wish I had known the meaning of that dragonfly visiting them.

  6. Much Fay ,Dragon fly are similar in meaning. The main one is both are great signs of freedom of something. Dragon fly are often confused with damsel Flys. Where Fay are commonly confused with butterflies. It’s harder to deal with things with out a sign of some sort even if it’s a red cardinal. Red cardinals tend to be the sign of passing.

  7. Dragonflies use to show up around me all the time since I was a child but, I was always afraid of them then. About 10yrs ago I bought a Dragonfly Pendant that lit up. The battery is dead, but I still wear it to this day. I wore it alot in 2009 where I use to work, They were forever around me.Iwent through so many things dureing this time and then met my soul mate when I wasn’t even looking. So many changes still, I wasn’t aware of why they stayed around me so much untill now.I am a lover of all animals, plants and eveythig else that The Great Mother has put here for us. Thank you for telling me about one of the Mothers most precious. Goddess SybilGaia.

  8. My fiance and I moved into a new apartment a few months ago that faces a couple lakes. During the height of the summer there were dragonflies everywhere. While my fiance and I were outside with our daughter he was showing her a dragonfly resting on a bush. Suddenly he began to holler after me. “Come here you’ll never believe this!” So I came over and my 3 year old daughter was Petting this dragonfly! I was thinking surely this dragonfly is dieing so its allowing her touch as its passing. I went to touch it and it flew off perfectly healthy. I will never forget this.

  9. I live on a lake and while floating the dragon flys land on me and rest. Is there special meaning when they land on someone?

  10. Lovely thoughts and stories of dragonflies. My spirit guide is the grizzly bear which I learned on a modified vision quest years ago. It is also my son’s and one grandson’s guide. I feel blessed to have such a being guiding me through this life.

  11. It is so true… I have had a rough moment in my life when everything went wrong, then I saw a beautiful dragonfly and I fell in love. I started to become even closer to nature than I ever was before; I knew what I had to change.

  12. Every time am cought up in stress there it is a dragonfly. I could be driving just about to cry and there in front of my car there is a dragonfly flying in front of me!

  13. When my grandmother died, i attracted a huge amount of butterflies around me that i was called a freak….the day my aunt died ,,,i walkwd outside and was withing minutes consumed by tears that wouldnt stop. I kept hearing a strange fluttering and when i looked up i was surrounded by butterflies and a large amount of dragonflies….to this day when i go outside i say a silent hello and i love u to my aunt (dragonflies ) and my grandmother ( Butterflies ). and when i am done i walk out to the edge of the yard and i am surrounded by the love and beauty of both the butterfly and the dragonfly….

  14. Dragonflies seem to come to me when my life is at a peaceful moment, but that moment is generally the calm before the storm. I live in North Idaho, but had to drive down below Phoenix Az to get my daughter at the end of August. I truly did not know the human palm could actually sweat buckets! Lol. When I arrived at my daughters there were dragonflies all over….mating season I was told. Every time I’d go outside I was like the landing strip for dragonfly mating terminal….funny as that may sound it actually got annoying. On the way back home to Idaho my daughter clued me into my already mom instinct suspicion that she was pregnant. the pregnancy was very difficult, complications with the delivery, I truly thought kissing my daughters foot as they wheeled her into the OR would be the last time I would see her or ever kiss those toes again. Sitting in the waiting room was a huge picutre of purple and blue dragon flies dancing among about six or seven children and one grown woman. To me I saw that as the Goddess telling me something. I unpanicked long enough to really focus on the picture. For each child were 2 dragon flies, and the peacefulness and reassuring feeling came over me that I needed. The storm wasn’t cleared yet, but it was my moment for a breather between my daughter’s battle for her life and what was to become a harsh encounter for my granddaughter’s life. The shorter end of the long story my granddaughter was born with a cleft that was not seen in the ultra sound, so that was a huge shock, and my daughter received 5 pints of blood to save her life. So after the storm had passed I was looking through my camera at my pictures from Arizona and the dragonfly pictures I took were amazing as they were mostly the same purple and blue that was at the hospital where we were at. I did get one picture of one little dragon fly that looked nothing like the other ones and he always was happy landing on my little finger….he was black and white and seemed smaller than the rest. He was my buddy. So lesson to me…..when dragonflys swarm me I know a storm is coming in my life. But I have been blessed and reminded of the strength, courage, test of time, and the moments to stop and breathe through the hardest parts. Astella dances on her toes, runs, and walks, on her toes, she sings, and is an amazing little cowgirl at 3. I believe the dragonflies have been with her since her conception in Arizona.

  15. I have been extremely stressed out I have three little girls in foster care that im about to lose not from neglect or abuse but I did make some stupid decisions I recently moved states trying to find a job n get on my feet by was n still am worried the move was the wrong one I feel my best around nature n water talked a friend into taKing me somewhere local to try n get grounded n to clear my head as I sat with my legs in the water I had two dragonflies keep flying around me n finally they landed on my leg while mating what couldthatmean

  16. I had this dream about a little black and white striped dragon fly. It would follow me everywhere. This person ask me what it was and I told them it was my friend . I remember looking at the dragon fly and it was really a small dragon with dragon fly wings. Well that weekend we went for a walk and there on the path was this little black and white striped feather. I took it as a sign that my dream was just not a dream but real. I still have that little feather , it has been around 8 years.

    1. O my one day I was in the back yard and we had a little above ground pool and I noticed a little thing floating in the water so I got in and went to it I thought it was a dragon fly but it wasn’t I thing it was the smallest butterfly I’ve ever seen in the whole world but it looked to have bulk and white stripes on its legs I know I was not seeing things but I scooped it up out of the water and gently blew on it till I noticed its leg twitching and then another till it stood up and it’s wings came up and it sat I. My hand for a short minute then it took flight I thought for sure it was going to fly away when it came back to me and sat right on my shoulder and it stayed there for I don’t know how long but then I groaned my phone to take a picture cuz I K we no one would believe me and when I brought up the phone it flew far away but lately everything that fly’s moths butterflies etc. Have been hovering me daily what does that mean and did I save that little things life

  17. I have a Dragonfly pendant that I have worn for years… It came to me while I was in a thrift shop while I was paying for some “neat item I had found”, THERE it was, laying on the counter, with A price tag of $3.00 on it. I slid it over and said “I’ll take this too!” The lady behind the counter looked at me and smiled, and said I believe This is already yours and placed it in my hand, closing my fingers around it… I thought she just didn’t want it to get lost in the bag of goodies I just purchased, but my receipt didn’t reflect ANYWHERE that I had paid for it. It was a gift.. It has brought me out of many hard times and has helped me find my peace of mind.. There is power in the Dragonfly>> I’m a firm believer!

  18. Dragonflies became a huge part of my life when a mating pair landed on my shoulder. I knew this was good luck and wanted a tattoo to immortalize the moment. My artist daughter sketched a beautiful dragonfly for my tattoo. It took me many years to find an artist talented enough to do the work. The week before my appointment, I had dragonflies hovering around me and landing on me and staying. I knew it was a sign. I had recently learned that spirits of children often appear as dragonflies. I lost my 3 year old daughter in a fire in 1996. I knew she was reaching out to me. I looked around and found many dragonfly objects in my home, hooks, pins, toys, pictures and jewelry, that I had not consouisly collected.
    Dragonflies are born in the water and morph into creatures of the air. They are symbols of change and survival. I cherish my dragonfly pendant.

  19. i love them… always feel peaceful when they are about… they hang in the late summer air about my place… went to the lake with a friend… and there were bright blue dragon flies hanging in the air about us…lovely…

  20. This helped me a lot. I was curious mostly because right now I’m in the parking lot of the community college in my town, waiting for my friend to get done with class. And I noticed this dragonfly circling my car and it kept trying to land on my car and even tried getting in through my Windows. At first, I was like ” huh weird” and when it came back three more times and did the same thing, I just had to find out what that meant.

  21. Wow! My husband is Wiccan and was diagnosed with malignant brain cancer 3 months ago. He is steadily declining, physically and mentally. Tonight, at 7:30, about 30 dragonflies appeared outside of our 11th floor balcony in the city. I’ve never seen this before! They circled and dove around for about 15 minutes. At one point, a beautiful monarch butterfly flew among them. I knew there was meaning in all this!

  22. I was outside early in the morning getting ready to go to work when I saw a swarm of dragonflies flying above me it was beautiful they all hovered above and then they would go around me and go back up if it means change or that I have to change something I know what I think its time to move into something better and I hope its a good change and decision.

  23. Im not sure what to say but i dance with them. or sometimes two will meet me across the field eye to weye on a branch. i danced with one and it climbed on my finger. they like to play hide AND SEEK. they will let me carry it around on my finger. i also give them all names. and they respond. sometimes ill sing eye to eye . eye for a dragon fly and 4 appear out of nowhere but i remember saving a dragon fly from a spider web and i thought it couldnt fly with a broken wing., but they can. but this one ended up chilling on my shoulder eating ham and chilling on my toe watching tv. i dont know who to talkto about this but sometimes i move my fingers and find that the trees aroundme move with me. and ill see random butterflies and dragons flies around me. and whenim upset the earth is upset. like if i cry hard then it rains hard randomely. its crazy i mean its kinda cool cuz only i know what i can do. like the moon and earth spirit speak to me in different ways. its alot to take in. its crazy how much spiritual deity i see. i sing about the trees and the trees start to dance or i hear wind chimes . alot. sometimes ill just look from one tree to another tree and they all move in the way my hands move. like they move with me. i mean is it just me . i really dont know who to talk to about my experiences . people might look at me crazy i also want to knowhow i can get more in tune with my magick side and my moon side. my alter ego is Selen. because i hear her sometimes. in the trees.

  24. Before 6 months had gone by after my father passed away. I not only had a dragonfly visit me at my home. Which was in town and no where near any kind of measurable water source much less standing water. But it crossed my path inside my home.i absolutely love dragonflies maybe lean somewhat toward obsess over them. I was baffled by its presence alone but astonished at the fact it was inside my home doors not Windows had been open for it to have any kind of ease of access and it was later in the evening. I watched it in awe for a moment. Then thought i should try to help it outside and how with out harming it in any way. But i didn’t have to think hard nor long as it choose the course of action for me by landing just above my heart on my skin (i was wearing a tank top that day. And that’s were it stayed motionless the entire way outside. Once outside it didn’t fly off. It still say right where it landed on my For several minutes. I eventually found a small twig and gently attempted to coax it to fly bite gently and slightly touching it around its Leg area doing my absolute best not injure it. Finally it decides to get fly but only about a foot away to landed on the side of the House where it remained for at less 30 minutes only occasionally moving its wings. I actually never actually saw when it decided to relocate. Was the most crazy amazing experience for me.

  25. 9 months ago, my dad died of suicide. It has been absolutely devastating. A few days after his death, I was sitting on my front porch swing. The grass didn’t seem as green, the sky wasn’t quite as blue as it used to be. Even the puffy white clouds weren’t the same as before my dad left. I was numb. I looked down and there were 2 dragonflies simply hovering near me. Intrigued and amazed, I watched them for as long as they let me. They simply hovered and moved in tandem. I couldn’t forget what I saw because they were so amazing. I then found an article citing the dragonfly as a symbol for the suicide loss survivor. I am a 2-time loss survivor: my grandfather, and my father. I felt like the 2 dragonflies symbolized by dad and my dad’s dad. I have worn a dragonfly pendant ever since. Thank you for the interpretation. I feel it fits me and my situation perfectly.

  26. i went outside one day an their was 4 dragon flies that were following me around one was orange, 2nd one was pink, the 3rd one was green, an the last one was blue. Before this every time a i would go outside a green dragon fly would be thier waiting to follow me around. I work with deities (apart of witchcraft) i had 3 at the time so idk who the 4th one was or who any of them were and if it was my deities i have no idea who the 4th one was like i said before. i work with Athena, Apollo, an Artemis an newly Dionysus.

  27. What does it mean when you ask a dragonfly fluttering about your yard for a kiss and it LITERALLY TURNS AROUND YOUR WAY AND KISSES YOUR MOUTH WHILST HANGING ON TO YOUR LIPS 👄 this actually happened to me today and I am still in awe!!! I must’ve said thank you a bajillion times. It was so beautiful BLUE DASHER was what it was very big guy 🙂 ❤️✨

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