My Favorite New Moon Ritual

New Moon is an ideal moment to begin a new habit. It’s a fresh start, the perfect occasion to clear your mind and begin again (click here for more on moon spells and rituals).

Now, I recognize that the concepts of habits, self-improvement, and fresh starts aren’t to everyone’s taste.

Sure, I know several folks who might be outright offended if I offered them something to assist in making a new beginning and establishing better habits.

But that’s not me!


Spiritual, personal, forming better habits, evolving as a human being—you name it!

For me, that’s the organic cycle. Everything flourishes.

I want us to evolve together. Let’s eliminate the negative habits and start seizing control of our lives.

Take one small step at a time. The first step is to commit to change. The next step is to announce it to the universe, the gods, and yourself…

…and there’s no better moment to initiate this than during the New Moon.

I have a straightforward yet impactful New Moon ritual that I perform. It includes three distinct symbols, and if you’re anything like me, you appreciate using necklaces as representations (since you can wear them consistently for an extended period – weeks if needed).

If you wish to join me, here’s what you should do:


STEP #01 – Before New Moon

First, during the days leading up to the New Moon, make sure to wear a Pentacle of the Moon.

The crescent moon featured on it will assist you in letting go of bad habits and anything else obstructing your new beginning.

During this period, reflect deeply on areas you wish to enhance and what you need to transform.

Perhaps it’s a negative habit, or maybe you need to remove certain individuals from your life (or even attract someone new)—only you truly know!

Document it in your Journal or Book of Shadows.


STEP #02 – During New Moon

Next, on the day of the New Moon, take a moment to express your intentions to yourself, the universe, and your divine beings.

You might write them on leaves and set them ablaze, or you could shout them out with all your might!

Choose whatever feels most right, but make sure to wear the Solar Cross during this process. Its energy will amplify with each use, eventually storing a significant amount of power.

Think of your Solar Cross similarly to the starter in your vehicle. It will help you gain momentum and facilitate the progress you need at the outset.


STEP #03 – After New Moon

Finally, throughout the following days after the New Moon, keep your New Beginnings necklace on you ALL THE TIME.

The energy from the snake and the pentacle will empower you to persevere while also serving as a reminder when challenges arise.

If times get tough, create a spell or perform a ritual with the Pentacle of the Moon to eliminate any obstacles in your path (or simply wear it for several days).

You can repeat this entire process at the next New Moon; just begin a few days earlier with the Pentacle of the Moon Necklace to smooth out the “bumpiness” in your life.


Click here for the Pentacle of the Moon Necklace.

I hope you found value in this post. I would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas, so please leave a comment 🙂

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