What’s the deal with Faeries?

For Wiccans and various pagans, faeries are undeniably real.

They inhabit the forests and the natural world, and if you treat them properly, they can and will assist you (though not for everything, but more on that shortly).

Before you rush out into the woods with a butterfly net in hand, there are a few things you should understand…

You see, faeries differ greatly from those in storybooks (pun intended). They are not tiny humans sporting wings and garments crafted from flower petals.

True faeries are entities of pure energy. They typically reside in or around wooded areas. In nature.

They do possess a hue. Commonly observed colors include red or green. It’s similar to an aura visible if you observe carefully.

However, if your mind is preoccupied with thoughts about grocery shopping and bill payments, you might as well forget searching for faeries.

Conversely, if your mind is calm and clear, your chances of spotting them increase.

That said, it can be a bit challenging.

Faeries inherently lack trust for humans. Just as many animals tend to do.

Therefore, you must earn their trust before proceeding further. And believe me…

…you definitely want to earn their trust because once you do, you’ll gain some very formidable allies.

How to connect with faeries

The first and most crucial step is to establish a bond with your faeries. There are numerous methods to achieve this, but here’s what I have found effective for the majority of people.

You will need a plate, fruits, wine (or fruit juice), and a faery pendant.

Faeries have a fondness for fruits. They aren’t drawn to meat (NEVER place meat on the faery offering plate). They also enjoy fruit juices and wine (which is essentially a type of fruit juice).

Each night, around sunset, prepare a small plate of fresh fruits, a small glass of wine (or fruit juice), and place it somewhere near your home where you think the faeries might venture.

(Faeries love sunlight but prefer it indirect. So find a location with tall trees and set your plate there.)

To make this successful, you should don a dedicated faery pendant during the day and leave your offering at night.

This way, the faeries will become familiar with your energy, and over time, they will learn to trust you.

Your faery pendant holds some of your energy, and the faeries will recognize and adjust to it (similar to how a dog comes to know and appreciate your scent).

It’s not mandatory to use a specialized faery pendant, but it simplifies matters and accelerates the process.

It will also ease future requests for assistance from the faeries; you can simply wear the pendant, and they will be more likely to respond.

As with other guardians, wearing specific imagery can attract faeries. It’s not the imagery itself that pulls them in, but the positive energy and your intent.

How faeries can assist you

Primarily, having faeries nearby will elevate your spirit and boost your energy. They will enhance your happiness and instill a sense of tranquility.

They can also lend a hand with your spells and rituals.

However, since faeries are, in essence, beings of pure energy, they do not comprehend emotions like love or ownership.

It’s akin to asking a tree to have affection for you. It simply doesn’t apply. The tree neither loves nor hates; it merely exists.

Thus, if you were to perform a love spell, for instance, the faeries wouldn’t be able to assist you. It’s a concept far beyond their grasp.

Faeries excel in spells concerning nature.

If you need sunlight or rainfall, or if you wish for your herbs to thrive, faeries can certainly help.



  • Faeries are indeed real.
  • They are beings made of pure energy.
  • In general, they tend to mistrust humans.
  • To connect with them, wear a faery pendant throughout the day and make offerings (fruit and wine) each night.
  • Not all faeries enjoy wine; some prefer non-alcoholic fruit juice.
  • After establishing a bond over time, faeries will assist you with specific rituals and spells.


I hope you find this post engaging, and I would love your feedback, so please leave a comment below 🙂

5 thoughts on “What’s the deal with Faeries?

  1. I really love your article. A few days ago I observed faries but have not been able to contact thelm again. I’m sure this article will help. Dragon wolf

  2. You seem not to have taken into your fabrics of Fairy the puck or brownie or many of the brown fey or the troop fey mater of fact most of the world of the fey weren’t red or green, the red tops not nice at all and what about hobgoblins, the few that were of the light realm are a very few indeed, and mermaids, this just makes me wonder if you ever met a fey old st nick was in old time a Fey a dwarf like creature, oh speaking of dwarfs the knockers that can trap people or save them in the mines.

    I’m sorry! I do not think you know the fey, or much about them, sounds like your one of those that haven’t made contact and try to rationalize them to your mind. And yes I have plastic fey on strings to symbolize them for I never would try and capture a living thinking creature.

  3. blessed be for this article I have not yet seen a fairy as of yet but I soon hope too, blessed be

  4. Your article is very basic for those just learning. fairies like ginger snaps and all things shiny.No they do not like to interact with Humans, but I have seen them play with children. Read everything you can, as knowledge is impo. Also, their is many names for Fairies, again do your homework.I have lived with fairies all my life and respect them greatly! Namaste.

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