When exactly does Imbolc occur and what does it symbolize?
Welcoming the first signs of spring
Imbolc is a special time for witches and many people who follow nature. This festival celebrates the start of spring and happens on February 1st or February 2nd each year. It is the halfway point between winter and spring. How exciting is that?
Imbolc is known as a time of purification and renewal. Just like cleansing our spaces, this time lets us cleanse our hearts and minds. We get to let go of the old and make way for the new. Think about what you want to bring into your life this year!

During Imbolc, we also honor Brigid, the goddess of fire, healing, and poetry. She is seen as a symbol of inspiration and new beginnings. Many light candles during this time to represent the returning light. Did you know that lighting candles can help to remind us of hope and warmth as we prepare for spring?
Imbolc invites us to prepare our gardens and homes for spring. It is a time to start planting seeds, both in the earth and in our hopes and dreams. What will you plant this year? What do you want to grow in your life?
If you are curious about how to celebrate Imbolc, you can find ideas in our post about decorating your altar for each sabbat. This can make your celebration even more special!
Remember, Imbolc is about welcoming the first signs of spring. It’s a chance to focus on fresh starts and new opportunities. So, let’s enjoy this time of year and embrace the changes that come with it!
If you want to learn more about observing the sabbats, check out our article on coving practices and how they can add to your experience.
What are your thoughts on Imbolc? Do you have any special traditions or activities you do during this time? I’d love to hear what you think! Feel free to share in the comments!