Tarot Cards


A common item found in many witches’ collections is a deck of Tarot cards. Numerous Wiccans utilize Tarot cards for divination and spell work. A standard Tarot deck consists of 78 cards to choose from. What does that mean? If you incorporate reversals in your Tarot readings, that equals 156 symbols just waiting to be revealed.

You pick a Tarot card that embodies your aspiration, allowing you to perform straightforward spell work that is equally effective as one that involves elaborate rituals.

Card Meanings

Initially, you might feel unsure about which card to select. That’s why having some foundational knowledge of Tarot cards and their interpretations is incredibly beneficial. Here are a few pointers to help you begin:

  1. Love, Family, Emotions, Relationships

For these themes, you may wish to opt for the Cup cards. The Ace of Cups can symbolize the element of Water.

Ace of Cups card: Signifies new beginnings and opportunities to start afresh.

Three of Cups: Represents celebrations and milestones such as births, weddings, and even losses.

Queen of Cups: To symbolize a woman.

The Lovers card: For love-related decisions: to choose between two romantic partners; to resist temptation.

  1. Money, Education, Economic Stability or Business

For these areas, consider the Coin/Pentacle cards. These cards represent the element of Earth.

Ace of Coins: for prosperity, abundance, and financial magic.

Eight of Coins: signifies success at work; a potential promotion or advancement.

Page of Coins: offers monetary guidance or assistance with financial troubles.

  1. Communication, Creativity

Use the Wand cards for these themes, representing the element of Fire.

Three of Wands: symbolizes the success you have yearned for.

Four of Wands: to acknowledge and celebrate your gifts and blessings.

  1. Self-Awareness, Intuition, Spiritual Growth

For these subjects, utilize the Major Arcana cards.

Magician card: empowering you with the confidence to take decisive action towards your destiny.

Strength card: for spiritual enhancement and inner strength; symbolizing change and renewal.

Death card: traditionally interpreted to signify endings or transformations, not necessarily a curse.


Click here for the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Card Deck!

The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck is highly regarded within the Wiccan community. Arthur Waite, an occultist and member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, collaborated with Pamela Colman Smith, another fellow member, to create the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, which was first unveiled in 1909. The cards feature rich symbolism and are referred to as the standard deck in most guides on Tarot reading. Today, it’s commonly called Rider-Waite-Smith to honor Smith’s artistic contributions.

Now, a century after the initial release of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, various designs have emerged in the realm of Tarot cards. Whether your interests lean toward Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, there is a deck that suits everyone! However, it’s essential to note that many of these updated designs still adhere to the structure and themes of Rider-Waite. As a result, Rider-Waite-Smith remains the top-selling and most recognized Tarot card deck.


Tarot cards are easily accessible and can be extremely beneficial for any Wiccan. A little familiarity with their meanings can assist you in crafting spells. Plus, having Tarot cards at your disposal encourages innovative thinking and creativity!

What types of Tarot Cards do you use? We would love to hear your thoughts! Please share in the comments section below. J

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