The Brooms of Elder


Explore more about the Brooms of Elder Pentacle!

In this article, I’m going to share a bit about one of my favorite symbols; The Brooms of Elder!

The brooms of elder consists of three symbols that form the Pentacle necklace.

This symbol is primarily featured in jewelry, and I believe its popularity stems from the fact that it is quite a non-threatening symbol…

…when onlookers see it, they may not immediately recognize the Pentacle but instead perceive it as a lovely and intriguing pendant.

Now, let’s delve into the symbols.


The 5 Brooms

There’s no question that the broomstick has long been linked to witchcraft. However, it has very little to do with flying away (unless you consider something like this) and is much more about sweeping away malevolent spirits.

The brooms also symbolize the air element.

The Sacred Elder Leaf

At the center, you’ll find the sacred elder leaf. This represents the water element and is commonly used in various rituals and spiritual practices.

Historically, people crafted defensive wands from the elder tree.

The Blackberry Wine Circle

Encircling everything is a ring made of Blackberry Wine. This too is associated with the water element.

The circle serves as a feminine symbol, representing the Goddess and offering Protection. Blackberry wine often relates to connecting with deities as well as material possessions (wealth and goods).

The Pentacle

Together, these three symbols create a Pentacle. I assume you’re already familiar with the nuances of the Pentacle…

…but to put it simply, the Pentacle embodies Power, Protection, Connection with nature and the Divine, among many other aspects.

It’s no secret that we offer a beautiful and stylish Brooms of Elder Necklace in our shop; you should definitely check it out if you resonate with this symbol.

It happens to be one of my top picks.

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Discover more about The Brooms of Elder Necklace…

I appreciate your time in reading this, and as always, feel free to leave a comment 🙂

One thought on “The Brooms of Elder

  1. It’s a pentagram. A pentacle is an altar plate used for offerings, a base for slicing/cutting, and decorative/invocative purposes. They are frequently confused with each other.
    Brooms were also used as jumping aids in rituals of sympathetic majick, vaulting higher to encourage the crops to do likewise, in the times of when the Old Religion was still extant, especially in Britain and the Celtic lands. This may be why people thought witches could fly on them!
    Thank you for the post. The information in it is useful, seasonal, and, mostly quite accurate.
    Blessed Be!

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