The Top 3 Herbs Any Wiccan Should Have On Hand



Traditional witches are well aware of the magickal properties and healing benefits of various “green” herbs. These plants can serve a practical purpose for a modern witch, especially in rituals, potions, and cleansing activities. Here are just three herbs that should always be on hand in your magical medicine cabinet, ready for use. Each of these herbs is versatile enough to support various intentions. Many potions and spells call for them.




Basil, often referred to as St. Joseph’s Wort, has a unique fragrance and possesses remarkable purifying qualities. It’s commonly sprinkled on floors within homes to cleanse the environment. Gifting someone a potted basil plant can bring them positive luck.

This herb features prominently in various love spells and potions. According to Scott Cunningham, placing two basil leaves on hot coals can reveal the future of your relationship: if the leaves burn rapidly, your marriage is likely to thrive, whereas leaves that remaind intact suggest a marriage filled with challenges. Basil can also be utilized to test and confirm someone’s loyalty.



Lavender is an herb celebrated by the Greeks and mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare. Often used in baths, it is also recognized for its healing properties. The British have acknowledged its medicinal value, using it to treat and disinfect wounds for centuries. A lavender infusion is believed to assist in managing epilepsy and other brain disorders. Carrying lavender can help alleviate headaches.

Lavender shines in smudging rituals aimed at purifying spaces. It serves as a foundational herb in many spells meant to invite calm, peace, and love into your life. Hanging lavender stalks around your home or keeping some with you can draw love toward you. Placing lavender beneath your pillow is said to ensure a restful night.



Rosemary is recognized for its ability to enhance cognitive function. In earlier times in England, it was a common practice to burn rosemary in homes where illness had led to death.

Today, rosemary is employed as a protective herb against witches with harmful intentions. When burned as incense, it acts as a barrier against negative spirits and energies. Incense made from rosemary can cleanse your home of unwanted vibes. If someone you care about is healing from an illness, placing rosemary in their space can encourage swift recovery.

In spell work, rosemary can serve as a substitute for frankincense.


The Smudging Bundle from The Moonlight Post

There are numerous methods to integrate these three herbs into your practice. Once you establish clear intentions and select the spells you wish to cast, these herbs can certainly aid in your connection with the divine, whether through baths, oils, teas, or burning incense.

Do you currently have these three herbs in your magickal cabinet? We would love to hear from you! Please share your experiences in the comments below. 🙂

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