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Challenges of Being Wiccan

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It’s not easy being human and it can be even harder being Wiccan. Especially if you are a solitary practitioner.

In this post we’ll look at some of the common challenges you might experience and some ideas on how to overcome them…


Discrimination is one of THE biggest challenges as a Wiccan or a Pagan. In my experience it has a lot to do with where you live.


Some cities are more Wiccan friendly than others. As a general rule, the larger the city, the larger the acceptance.

Now, moving isn’t always an option, so you might have to adapt to fit in instead.

If that’s the case, then you shouldn’t go all in with your appearance. People are in general scared of what they don’t understand.

Take some time and learn how to present your lifestyle in a way that helps people understand what Wicca is all about and how it’s in fact one of THE most peaceful religions.

Show people that Wicca is a way of life that embraces all living things and with a great focus on nature. That usually goes a lot better than telling them how you do magick in the middle of the night, all nude, dancing in the moonlight.


Another challenge is christian holidays. A lot of us don’t approve of the way Christians celebrate Pagan Sabbats as their own, without any recognition of the fact that Pagans has been celebrating these days for centuries.

How you handle this, is 100% up to you and something you need to figure out with yourself and your family.

Personally, I love the holidays. For me it’s just a celebration and even though other people tie it onto a (their) religious thing, I just relax and enjoy the company of the people I love.


Also, it’s the perfect occasion to educate people on the REAL meaning behind the holidays 😉

Being stuck

Of all the challenges you can face as a Wiccan, being stuck in research mode and having a feeling of information overwhelm is probably the worst.

You get a feeling of anxiety, stress and sometimes even slight depression.

The thing is that it doesn’t matter how far you are in your journey, if you don’t learn to handle this, it will always haunt you.


THE best way, I have found to deal with this “shiny object syndrome” and information overload, is to simply on 1 thing at the time.

I like to select a “topic” to focus on for 28 days at a time (a whole moon cycle).

For example, this month I am focusing getting to know my tools better (my altar tools, my Wiccan jewelry, Athame etc.).

All over in my house, I have printouts from The Moonlight Post hanging on my walls.

So, whenever I am cooking, sitting on my toilet, laying in my bed or even surfing facebook, I see a printout about something I want to learn about this month.

It reminds to stay on path and not stray as soon as I see something new and shiny 😉

Let me know if this helped you and also what YOU do to overcome challenges and struggles in your practice.

For more on how to overcome challenges, focus and everything else Wicca, go checkout The Moonlight Post!